Acest ingredient face orice sos mai bun si mai sanatos

De Mara Ionescu
19 mai 2020

Multe feluri de mancare au nevoie de un sos care sa le completeze. Imagineaza-ti ca ai manca tacos sau un hamburger fara sos. Nu suna bine, nu?

Din fericire, ai nevoie doar de acest ingredient care face orice sos mai bun si mai sanatos! Si mai are si propretati antiinflamatorii.

Dieta mediteraneana: 3 retete delicioase pentru energie si corp tonifiat

Acest ingredient face orice sos mai bun si mai sanatos

Sosul vine sa completeze si sa imbogateasca aromele unui preparat. Iar acest sos magic cu avocado este foarte delicios si are si proprietati antiinflamatorii.

Ca sa-l obtii, tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa amesteci impreuna ingredientele, pana cand obtii o consistenta cremoasa si esti gata pentru masa. 

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MAGIC AVOCADO SAUCE✨🥑 // this sweet, spicy, creamy sauce is about to change your life.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ It makes everything you put it on—eggs, tacos (we did black bean, red onion and mango here!), salads, roasted or raw veggies—10x more delicious, and 10x healthier. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ There’s raw garlic for immune support! Avocado and olive oil for healthy fats! Cilantro for heavy metal chelation & phytonutrients! Citrus juice AND zest for tons of flavor and anti-inflammatory benefits (fun fact: citrus zest has more nutrients than the rest of the fruit, and it’s especially good to protect your skin and make it GLOW ✨). ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ It’s also super easy to make—just chuck everything in a blender! It keeps for about a week in the fridge, and trust me—you’ll always want to have some on hand. To make it, just grab:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 〰️1/2 avocado (freeze the other half for smoothies later!)⁣⁣ 〰️3/4 cup packed cilantro (use the stems and leaves!)⁣⁣ 〰️3 large or 4 small cloves of garlic ⁣⁣ 〰️1/3 cup olive oil ⁣⁣ 〰️Zest + juice of 1 lime ⁣⁣ 〰️Zest + juice of 1 orange ⁣⁣ 〰️2 tablespoons maple syrup ⁣⁣ 〰️A big pinch of fine grain sea salt ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Add everything to a blender. Add 1/4 cup of water and blend, then add 1 tablespoon of water at a time until the texture is pourable but still super creamy (I ended up using 3 tablespoons!). Add additional salt to taste. Makes about a cup of sauce. Enjoy!! Xo Liz 😘

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Poate fi pastrat la frigider pana la o saptamana si il poti folosi la aproape orice masa a zilei. Poate fi consumat impreuna cu oua, sendvisuri, salate si legume (crude sau preparate termic).

Ingrediente pentru sosul magic de avocado cu proprietati antiinflamatorii:

-1/2 avocado;

-o legatura de coriandru (foloseste tulpinile si frunzele);

-3-4 catei mici de usturoi;

-40 ml ulei de masline;

Reteta perfecta de negresa vegana fara coacere

-coaja si zeama de la o lamaie verde;

-coaja si zeama de la o portocala;

-2 linguri de sirop de artar;

-un praf generos de sare de mare.

Mod de preparare:

Se pun toate ingredientele intr-un blender. Se adauga 30 ml de apa si se amesteca, apoi se adauga cate o lingura de apa, pana cand amestecul devine lichid, dar ramane gros si cremos. Se adauga sare dupa gust si se serveste.
