5 cupluri de vedete care si-au spus adio in timpul carantinei

De Maria Constantin
22 iul. 2020

Nu toate cuplurile celebre au reusit sa iasa cu bine din carantina impusa de pandemia de COVID-19. Cateva staruri au pornit pe drumuri diferite in aceasta perioada dificila.

Pandemia provocata de noul coronavirus ne-a afectat viata si ne-a impus noi provocari. Dar pentru cateva cupluri celebre, aceasta criza aproape insuportabila a coincis cu sfarsitul casniciei sau al relatiei. Us Weekly trece in revista cele mai cunoscute cupluri care s-au despartit de la inceputul pandemiei.

Armie Hammer si Elizabeth Chambers

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My forever Valentine. This is our 11th Valentines and it felt as fun, fresh, and exciting as the first. I can’t imagine a world without you as my life partner. I will love you forever and the thought of forever makes me as giddy as the first time we kissed.

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Dupa zece ani de casnicie, cele doua vedete si-au anuntat despartirea, intr-un anunt postat pe Instagram, pe 10 iulie, la doar cateva saptamani dupa ce au intrat in carantina in Insulele Cayman, impreuna cu fiica lor, Harper Grace, si fiul lor, Ford.

„A fost o calatorie incredibila, dar impreuna am decis sa dam pagina si sa incheiem casnicia noastra”, au scris actorul si sotia lui. „In timp ce intram intr-un nou capitol, copiii si relatia noastra in calitate de parinti si de prieteni vor ramane prioritatea noastra. Intelegem ca aceasta veste ne aduce in discutia publica, dar in interesul copiilor si familiei noastre va cerem sa ne respectati viata privata, sa ne aratati intelegere si dragoste in aceasta perioada grea”, au mai scris Hammer si Chambers.

Julianne Hough si Brooks Laich

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It is with the heaviest heart that I share with you the passing of our beloved dogs Lexi and Harley. Their tragic passing has left my wife and I heartbroken. Lexi and Harley were not just pets to us, they were our children, and we loved them as such. They were the purest example of love that I have ever seen. They showed me that true love did exist in the world. The way they loved their mom @juleshough and the way she loved them back was the first time I knew that there was hope for me to have love in my life. And they accepted me into their little family, and helped me become a dad for the first time. The past 2 weeks have been filled with tears of sorrow, and tears of joy. The immense pain we feel by their loss is due to the overwhelming love we had for them. Every single beautiful part of them will be missed, but we trust that they are in a better place now, and can still feel their presence in our hearts. I want to thank the many people who have helped see us through the past 2 weeks. The outpouring of love and support we have received from our family and friends has helped heal our hearts. I am eternally grateful for everyone who has held space for my wife and I to grieve and mourn. There are too many names to list, but you all know who you are, and know that we couldn’t have made it through this without each and everyone of you. In the most sincere way possible, thank you very much. Thank you to @kristysowin, @derekhough, and @camilaforeroo for going above and beyond what we could ever imagine asking of you. There simply are no words to express our gratitude, we love you deeply and are so grateful for you. Thank you to my wife for allowing me to share in their world, and trusting me to be their dad. I wasn’t perfect, but I loved them with every ounce of my heart. And thank you Lexi and Harley, for teaching me grace, softening my heart, and showing me love. You are perfect, and may you Rest In Peace. ❤️🐶🐼🐺💑❤️

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Hough si Laich si-au anuntat despartirea pe 29 mai, dupa aproape trei ani de casnicie. Vestea despartirii a survenit dupa ce in aprilie dansatoarea si actrita originara din Utah si fostul star de hochei au decis sa intre separat in carantina.

„Cu dragoste si atentie ne-am luat timpul de care am avut nevoie pentru a ajunge la decizia noastra de a ne desparti”, au transmis ei intr-un comunicat. „Impartasim enorm de multa dragoste si respect unul pentru celalalt si vom continua sa pornim cu inimile noastre din acest loc”, au mai scris ei.

Lili Reinhart si Cole Sprouse

In luna mai, la opt luni dupa ce reusisera sa-si refaca relatia, cei doi colegi de platou din „Riverdale” s-au despartit. Ei au luat decizia la doar cateva zile dupa ce tatal actorului, Skeet Ulrich, si iubita lui, Megan Blake Irwin, spuneau intr-o sesiune Instagram Live ca Lili si Cole formeaza „o pereche foarte draguta”.

In timpul carantinei, Reinhart si Sprouse au locuit separat. Cole a petrecut aceasta perioada cu colegul sau, KJ Apa.

7 vedete care au ramas in relatii bune cu fostul

Megan Fox si Brian Austin Green

Starul din „The Beverly Hills, 90210” a confirmat pe 18 mai ca impreuna cu Megan Fox a decis sa puna capat mariajului lor de aproape zece ani. „O voi iubi mereu. Si stiu ca si ea ma va iubi mereu si mai stiu ca familia pe care am construit-o este foarte tare si foarte speciala”, a spus Green intr-un episod al podcast-ului sau, „…With Brian Austin Green”. Cuplul are trei baieti – Noah, Bodhi si Journey.

Olivier Sarkozy si Mary-Kate Olsen

Us Weekly a anuntat pe 13 mai ca bancherul Olivier Sarkozy, fiul fostului presedinte al Frantei, Nicolas Sarkozy, si Mary-Kate divorteaza dupa cinci ani de casnicie. Vedeta din „Full House” a depus o cerere de divort in regim de urgenta pe 14 mai, la tribunalul din New York, insa aceasta a fost respinsa intrucat activitatea instantei era suspendata pe termen de opt saptamani din cauza pandemiei. Dupa ridicarea restrictiilor, avocatii actritei au depus oficial cererea de divort.

Foto: Instagram/@juleshough