6 conturi de Instagram sincere, care arata realitatea: Te vor ajuta sa iti iubesti mai mult corpul

De Irina Constantin
14 aug. 2020

Stii deja ca social media nu reprezinta intotdeauna realitatea. Cel putin, nu in totalitate.

Nimeni nu posteaza acele poze care nu flateaza silueta si in care sunt vizibile asa-numitele „defecte”, nu-i asa? Ei, bine, acest lucru nu mai este valabil in 2020. Tot mai multe femei aleg sa isi arate chipul si trupul exact asa cum sunt. Cu riduri, acnee, vergeturi, celulita sau cicatrici.

Ashley Graham e mandra de vergeturile ei de dupa nastere: „Acesta e noul meu corp de mamica!“

Iata 6 conturi de Instagram sincere, ale unor femei vulnerabile si puternice!

1. @danaemercer

Danae este o prezenta deja iconica in social media. Ea arata realitatea din spatele posturilor perfecte, care evidentiaza talia supla si folosesc lumina potrivita pentru a ascunde textura pielii, vergeturile si celulita.

Danae s-a confruntat cu afectiuni legate de relatia cu mancarea si s-a dedicat in totalitate promovarii unei imagini reale pe Instagram, cu care majoritatea femeilor se pot identifica. Contul ei a crescut rapid, ea schimband perceptia de sine a peste un milion de femei din toata lumea.

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Instagram vs Reality / or let’s talk LAYING DOWN POSING and why it’s all a bit EXTRA. Laying down shots often require EXAGGERATED angles – like this one here. My back is extremely arched, my head is thrown back to elongate the neck and get my face in the sun, my core is super tight, I’m only slightly leaning my weight on my arms, and I’m definitely not breathing. It’s incredibly UNCOMFORTABLE. Yet it’s one of the most common BIKINI PHOTO poses we see. And this is true for a lot of POPULAR LAYING DOWN poses: when you ACTUALLY get into them, they’re the opposite of relaxing. Like, hey, one of those Calvin Klein bedroom photos where some sporty gal is laying flat and her peachy bum is saying hello to the world. Odds are, she’s NOT FLAT. She’s hiked her bum up to the air and is resting her weight on her knees and her tummy, almost like an upside down V. OR one of those popular BIKINI shots where a gal is laying on her side, abs crazy popping. She’s probably not breathing while squeezing her tummy crazy tight — otherwise simple GRAVITY would pull her belly down. All this is just to remind you that even when someone looks like they’re RELAXING, SOCIAL MEDIA is NOT REAL. It’s arched and tucked and posed and perfected. Squeezed. Sucked in. Puffed out. And while this might make for some great photos, It doesn’t really create the best memories. Because those happen when we’re being OURSELVES. With all our wiggles and dimples and jiggles and laughs. Sitting or laying COMFORTABLY rather than arching our knees to hide cellulite or squeezing our tummies to conceal soft curves. So you get out there and rock WHATEVER KIND of PHOTO speaks to you — but more than that, you rock those moments. Each and every raw, real, human one. No back arching required. Photo @chiclebelle #selflove #selfacceptance #instagramvsreality #posing #bodyacceptance

A post shared by Danae | Angles + Self Love (@danaemercer) on

2. @mikaylamichelle_

„Oamenii iti arata pe social media doar ce vor ei. Aminteste-ti asta atunci cand te surprinzi comparandu-te cu altcineva. Eu ador colantii cu talie inalta, dar nu intelege asta gresit: si eu am grasime pe abdomenul inferior!”, scrie Mikayla.

Ea este mamica, sotie, coach si creator de continut sincer pe Instagram. Pe contul ei vei gasi mesaje puternice, scrise din suflet, care te vor face sa iti apreciezi mai mult trupul si sa nu te mai compari cu ceilalti.

3. @joe_lizzzzzz_yoga

Joe este pasionata de yoga si adora sa le ofere femeilor un exemplu real, fara Photoshop sau posturi studiate. „Adevarul este ca toate dam gres, ne impiedicam, cadem si comitem erori. Absolut fiecare dintre noi!”, scrie ea pe contul de Instagram.

4. @thenutritiontea

Shana Minei Spence este nutrionista si o mare sursa de inspiratie cand vine vorba despre dieta, sanatate si imagine de sine. Pe contul ei vei gasi adevaruri spuse fara ascunzisuri, informatii reale despre ce inseamna o dieta echilibrata si motivatia necesara pentru a te iubi exact asa cum esti, in momentul de fata.

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This is my second post on clothes and the fit of clothes because it’s a topic that gets brought up constantly. I said it before and I’ll say it again 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽 buy (and wear) clothes that accentuate your body and THAT YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE IN. Sizes on labels fluctuate within a brand and with different companies. It is not uncommon to be one size at one place and another size somewhere else. It’s definitely without a doubt f**king annoying but all I can recommend is not to be fixated on the size on the label. Please refer back to my previous post a few weeks ago on sizing and why this fluctuation can occur. Another helpful reminder 👉🏽 our bodies change. We are not going to look the exact same way throughout our lives. It doesn’t even have to be just weight gain or loss, it can also be natural changes such as hips widening, breast size changing, etc. If this happens, there is nothing “wrong” with you, it means you’re human. And that’s what we humans do. Change because we’re not robots 🤖. Not to mention, there might be some pandemic/stress related weight fluctuations happening. Also normal. Here’s what to do: feel sad 😞. Yup I said it, it’s okay and normal to feel a bit crappy at first. Key words “at first”. But at the same time, do not hold on to the pair of jeans 👖 or the dress 👗, telling yourself that you’re going to fit them again by doing restrictive dieting. Purchase new ones or get the old ones altered. Realize that if gaining or losing a few pounds is all that happened to you during this time, you’re freaking lucky. A ton of people lost their lives or loved ones. Perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #wednesdaythoughts #wellnesswednesday #wednesdaywellness #perspectiveiseverything #fashionvictim #foodforthought #food4thought #healthmatters #dietitiansofinstagram #rdsofinstagram #registereddietitian #rdsofcolor #healthyeah #letterboardquotes #healthfirst #stopdieting

A post shared by Shana Minei Spence,MS,RDN,CDN (@thenutritiontea) on

5. @hayleymadiganfitness

Cand vine vorba despre conturi de Instagram sincere, trebuie neaparat sa o urmaresti pe Hayley Madigan. Este coach si instructor, iar scopul ei este sa le ajute pe femei sa gaseasca echilibrul sanatos dintre antrenamente si placerile nevinovate ale vietii.

Totodata, Hayley posteaza fotografii reale, in posturi naturale, aratand ca pana si cele mai fit persoane pot avea celulita, vergeturi sau „burtica”. Este complet normal, iar ea este gata sa promoveze acest lucru cu fiecare ocazie!

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How you see me Vs How I see myself 👆🏼⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The way you see yourself will always be different to the way other people see you … this could be emotionally, mentally and physically! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I used to look down at my stomach and hated what I saw – regardless of what level of body fat I had. Everyone looks different sat down as opposed to standing (and tensing) yet my mind would never allow me to accept that. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I was always searching for more, searching to be better, to look leaner, to look more attractive, yet my relationship with my body and how I treated it was far from nice. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I would pick holes in my body daily, I would call it names and I would treat it like I hated it. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I wouldn’t talk to my best friend’s body in a negative manner so why did I do it to my own body?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ This is #HowMyHealthLooks 👆🏼⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I started working on my relationship with myself by incorporating self kindness and it’s helped me in so many ways! ⁣ ⁣ I’ve allowed myself to accept the body I have now more so than ever and especially compared to when I was a lot leaner. ⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Be kind to your body by giving it the food it needs to thrive on! ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Be kind to your body by respecting it and not forcing it to change quickly! ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Be kind to your body by allowing it time off to rest, relax and recover! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Be kind to yourself because your body deserves you to be 💚⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #bekindtoyourself #selfkindness #instavsreality #empowerment

A post shared by Hayley Madigan (@hayleymadiganfitness) on

6. @weeshasworld

Lu D’Souza se declara o feminista adevarata si o avocata pentru iubirea de sine, indiferent de aspectul corpului.

Iata mesajul ei pentru aceasta vara: „Ai deja un corp potrivit pentru plaja, asa ca nu lasa persoanele rautacioase sa iti strice cea mai tare vara. Nimeni nu are dreptul sa iti strice starea mentala, mai ales pe o tema atat de superficiala precum celulita sau marimea rochiei. Bucura-te de viata, draga mea!”.

Foto: Instagram/@danaemercer