Olivia Culpo se simtea „ratusca cea urata” in copilarie: La 10 ani a tinut prima dieta

De Maria Constantin
28 oct. 2020

Vedeta a marturisit ca in copilarie si in adolescenta a avut probleme cu increderea in sine.

Cand a aparut in paginile editiei de costume de baie a revistei Sports Illustrated sau cand paseste pe covorul rosu emana o incredere deplina in ea insasi. Dar nu a fost mereu asa: Olivia Culpo a fost sincera in podcast-ul Emergency Contact, in care a aparut cu sora sa, Aurora, marturisind ca in copilarie se simtea urata si foarte nesigura.

Vedeta in varsta de 28 de ani a spus ca atunci cand se compara cu fratii si parintii ei, i se parea ca ea este un intrus in propria familie, scrie People. „Sincer, cand eram in crestere ma simteam urata, e un lucru teribil pe care il spun”, a povestit ea in podcast-ul gazduit de Simon Huck si Melissa Gray Washington.

„Aratam foarte diferit. Sora mea mai mare parea o papusa Barbie. Eram supraponderala. Ma uitam in oglinda si-mi ziceam: ‘Bun, suntem diferite’, si chiar eram”, a continuat Olivia.

Cum ajungi in Sports Illustrated daca te simti „urata“

Olivia si Aurora si-au amintit ca atunci cand avea 10 ani, tatal ei, Peter Culpo, a pus-o la dieta. „Tata e tare, el a alergat mai multe marotoane. Cand aveam 10 ani, da, am fost pusa la dieta si am realizat ca atunci cand muncesti, vin si rezultatele. Totul a inceput de aici”, a povestit modelul.

Aurora a explicat ca problemele cu care s-a confruntat Olivia au ajutat-o sa-si cladeasca increderea pe care o are acum.

„Stia ca era supraponderala, deci cred ca ea si-a dezvoltat o aptitudine pentru a actiona cat mai bine in situatiile in care poate obtine cea mai mare atentie. A devenit atractiva si are aceasta aptitudine. Asa ajungi in Sports Illustrated.”

Dezvaluiri despre lupta cu depresia

In trecut, Olivia Culpo le-a vorbit fanilor despre lupta ei cu depresia si ca nu totul este asa cum se vede pe retelele de socializare. In iulie 2019, ea a postat doua imagini pe Instagram care ii detaliau experienta. „Privind acum diferenta dintre cele doua poze, cred ca a fost important sa va impartasesc asta. A doua poza, acum cateva luni: eram deprimata. Nu aveam pofta de mancare, beam prea mult, fumam, nu puteam sa dorm si sa mananc”, a marturisit ea.

Ce mananca Olivia Culpo inainte de o sedinta foto pentru abdomen plat si trup tonifiat

„Dar tot faceam poze si le puneam pe retelele de socializare si pretindeam ca totul era minunat. Am trecut printr-o situatie dificila care m-a demolat mental, emotional si spiritual si m-a afectat fizic”, a mai scris ea atunci. „Sentimentul de disperare este serios, asa ca simt responsabilitatea fata de oricine trece prin ceva dificil sa-i spun ca e ok sa nu fie ok”, a adaugat Olivia.


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Looking at the difference between these two photos today, and thought it was important to share something with all of you. 2nd photo, a few months ago: I was depressed. I had no appetite, was drinking way too much, smoking, couldn’t sleep, and couldn’t eat. But I was still taking photos on social media and pretending everything was great. I was going through a difficult situation that left me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt and it had taken its toll physically. The feeling of despair is a relatable one, so I feel a responsibility to anyone else going through something difficult to say that it’s ok to not be ok. 1st photo is from the other day, and I am looking healthier. I have my appetite back and am treating my body correctly. We’re all too familiar with the “highlight REEL” of Instagram so I wanted to get REAL and tell you it’s not always as amazing as it seems. I’m sharing this because 1. I want to emphasize what we already know: Instagram is everyone’s best version of themselves and their lives. It can trick us into thinking everything is perfect in other’s worlds. Which is NOT true. We are all more alike than we think, navigating life with similar ups and downs; good times and bad. We never really know what someone is going through, so it’s unfair to judge/compare. 2. I hope this helps others who might be going through a hard time and feeling like they need to “have it all together.” Social media can create a crazy amount of pressure to live up to an idealistic standard of “perfection” (which obviously doesn’t exist!). Hard times happen and the most important part is putting one foot in front of the other, knowing the moment will pass, and being patient with yourself. No filter is going to take away from the normal ups and downs of life that we all have. Our imperfections/hardships make us all perfectly relatable, taking this journey through life together. I think the more we understand how connected that makes all of us, the easier and more rewarding this life journey can be. Love you guys!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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„Prima poza este de zilele trecute si deja arat mai bine. Mi-a revenit apetitul si imi tratez corect corpul”, a mai scris ea.

Vedeta a mai explicat ca acceptarea imperfectiunii ne ajuta sa fim uniti: „Sper ca asta ii ajuta pe altii care poate trec printr-o perioada grea. Retelele de socializare pot provoca o presiune nebuneasca pentru a trai un standard idealizat al ‘perfectiunii’ (care, evident, nu exista!)”, si-a incheiat Olivia mesajul.

Foto: Instagram/Olivia Culpo