5 feluri creative de a gati cu edamame

De Irina Constantin
8 aug. 2019

Cand spui „edamame”, deja poti vizualiza un bol plin cu pastai, asezonate cu sare grunjoasa.

Desi edamamele sunt perfecte doar cu putina sare deasupra, dupa principiul „less is more”, exista si alte variante delicioase in care le poti consuma. Daca nu ai mancat edamame pana acum, este o ocazie perfecta sa le incerci si sa te bucuri de beneficiile lor.

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In esenta, este vorba despre pastai ce contin boabe imature de soia. Acestea sunt foarte des intalnite in gastronomia asiatica, insa au patruns si in restaurantele noastre. Consumul de edamame vine la pachet cu o cantitate mare de proteine, fibre si micronutrienti pretiosi, precum fosforul si vitamina K.

Incearca variantele de mai jos si gateste retete inedite cu edamame!

1. Hummus din edamame

Stiai ca faimoasele pastai contin mai multe proteine decat nautul si fasolea neagra? Acest lucru le face perfecte pentru o dieta vegetariana sau vegana, dar nu numai.

Hummusul delicios poate fi obtinut cu usurinta din edamame, pasta de susan (tahini), zeama de lamaie si putin ulei de masline.

Pune edamamele si tahini in blender, apoi adauga condimentele pe parcursul prepararii. Nu adauga lamaia, uleiul, sarea si piperul la inceput, ci treptat, pentru a putea controla gustul. Astfel, te vei asigura ca obtii un hummus exact pe placul tau!

2. Wrap proaspat cu edamame si quinoa

Daca vrei o idee perfecta pentru pranz, incearca acest wrap satios. Este o varianta sanatoasa si gustoasa, pe care o poti customiza dupa bunul plac.

Porneste de la reteta de baza si gateste 150 grame de quinoa. Scoate boabele de edamame din pastaie si pregateste si celelalte ingrediente. Spala un morcov, un castravete si un ardei gras. Taie legumele in betisoare subtiri sau da-le pe razatoare.

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Vegan Edamame Quinoa Collard Wraps by Angela Simpson INGREDIENTS For the wrap: 2–3 large collard leaves 1/4 cup grated carrot 1/4 cup sliced cucumber 1/4 red bell pepper, chopped into thin strips 1/4 orange bell pepper, chopped into thin strips 1/3 cup cooked quinoa 1/3 cup shelled defrosted edamame For the dressing (you will have lots of leftovers): fresh ginger root, about 3 tbsp, peeled and chopped 1 cup cooked chickpeas 1 large clove of garlic 4 tbsp rice vinegar 2 tbsp low sodium tamari or coconut aminos 2 tbsp lime juice 1/4 cup water a few pinches of chili flakes 1 packet stevia (optional) INSTRUCTIONS Prepare the dressing first. In a food processor, combine all ingredients and puree until smooth. Pour into a small bowl or container and set aside. Lay the collard leaves on a flat surface, overlapping each other in order to make a stronger wrap. Take 1 tbsp ginger dressing and mix it into the cooked quinoa. Spoon the cooked quinoa onto the leaves, forming a straight horizontal line on the end nearest to you. Follow with the edamame and all remaining veggie fillings. Drizzle about 1 tbsp more of the ginger dressing over top, then fold the sides of the wrap inward towards each other. Fold the side of the wrap nearest to you over the fillings, then roll the entire wrap away from you to close it up. #leanandgreen #healthyhabits #onelifewellnessllc #youarethechef #youareapriority #wrap #vegan #edamame #quinoa #bethecook #vitaminL

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Pe post de dressing, poti folosi un amestec de lamaie si ulei de masline. Daca iti plac sosurile mai aromate, poti adauga busuioc, oregano sau rozmarin.

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Pentru a evita consumul excesiv de carbohidrati, inlocuieste lipia cu frunze verzi. Poti folosi spanac, varza, kale, salata verde sau lollo. Pune toate ingredientele in „lipia” vegetala si ruleaza bine wrap-ul.

3. Buddha bowl cu legume

Nimic nu poate fi mai sanatos decat un bol plin cu legume nutritive. Edamamele sunt o sursa minunata de proteine, asa ca pot fi combinate cu alimente mai usoare, precum ridichiile, morcovii, castravetii, varza si salata.

Nu exista reguli stricte cand vine vorba de boluri, asa ca fii libera sa improvizezi. Noi iti oferim un singur pont: asezoneaza mixul de legume si edamame cu ceapa verde, pasta de susan si seminte de susan alb si negru.

4. Bruschette cu edamame si mazare

Daca esti adepta retelor clasice with a twist, pregateste aceste bruschette absolut delicioase. Inlocuieste toppingurile obisnuite, precum rosiile cu busuioc sau pasta de masline, cu o varianta inedita.

Fierbe edamamele si mazarea, atat cat sa devina moi, dar sa isi pastreze verdele intens. Paseaza boabele in blender, adaugand frunze proaspete de menta, usturoi, sare si piper. Prajeste paine si unge-o cu pasta obtinuta.

Daca doresti un plus de savoare, poti adauga peste bruschette putin parmezan sau bucatele de rosii proaspete.

5. Edamame picante, la tigaie

Daca simti nevoia de o gustare cu adevarat savuroasa, incinge tigaia si apuca-te de treaba!

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Yummy App sudah tersedia di Google PlayStore dan App Store lho! YUK BURUAAANN DOWNLOAD untuk bisa cari resep dengan lebih mudah. Ada 100 set Tupperware buat kamu yang beruntung! Buka link ini https://yummy.onelink.me/Fhn6/appdownload atau klik link di bio ya! – Edamame Garlic | Yummy Jangan lupa share video ini dan follow @Yummy.IDN @IDNTimes.Video – Bahan: 500 gr kacang edamame 6 siung bawang putih 3 sdm minyak zaitun 750 ml air ½ sdt garam 1 sdt lada hitam – Cara Pembuatan: 1. Rebus kacang edamame dalam air mendidih selama 6 menit. 2. Tambahkan garam, aduk rata. Angkat dan sisihkan. 3. Tuang minyak zaitun dan butter, lalu tumis bawang putih hingga harum dan kecoklatan. 4. Masukkan kacang edamame yang sudah direbus. Tambahkan lada hitam. Aduk merata. 5. Sajikan. #MasakItuGampang – Chef: Nunu Editor: Bellinna – Follow juga @IDNTimes | @IDNTimes.Community | @Popbela_Com | @Popbela.Beauty | @IDNTimes.Video | @Popmama_com – #gagaldiet #yummyinmytummy #comfortfood #kuliner #ilovefood #resepmasakan #reseprumahan #resepanakkos #recipe #recipevideo #laperbaper #reseplebaran #resepramadan #bukapuasa #sahur #YummyIDN #resepyummy #laperbaper #mukbang #dietmulaibesok #indonesianfood #edamameYummy #edamame #edamamegarlic

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Fierbe edamamele cu putina sare. Pune in tigaia incinsa ulei de masline sau un cubulet de unt. Adauga usturoi pisat si fulgi de chilli, apoi pune si pastaile. Lasa totul la prajit timp de cateva minute, amestecand frecvent. Serveste gustarea calda si bucura-te de aromele intense!

Foto: Instagram/foodstylistnewyorkcity