5 pozitii de yoga care te ajuta sa iti imbunatatesti viata sexuala

pozitii de yoga
De Ingrid David
28 mai 2019

Yoga este practicata de mai bine de 5000 de ani de zeci si zeci de milioane de oameni, mai intai in Asia si apoi in toata lumea. Acestia fac zilnic macar un exercitiu (o asana). Beneficiile acestei arte stravechi sunt nenumarate.

Imbunatateste somnul si postura, te ajuta sa slabesti si sa scapi de stres si iti tonifiaza musculatura. Si, in afara de asta, yoga iti imbunatateste viata sexuala. Pentru asta sunt recomandate cateva pozitii care te pot ajuta sa devii mult mai flexibila si mai dinamica in asternut.

Scandura sau plansa

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Vulnerability is our most accurate way to measure courage. Brene Brown talks about her life before a quote, and after. Feel extremely similar about that one above. And also… Vulnerability without boundaries is not vulnerability. I have often felt, in my most powerful moments where I’m connected to my purpose, I’m being vulnerable. I am also very bad at boundaries because #empath #aquairus etc etc. It has taken me a while to realize I yearn to hold space for others and allow them to be vulnerable — by either leading them through a workout, coaching, talking to them, interviewing them for the podcast, and the list goes on. And it’s a bit like knowing you’re gonna get the shit kicked out of you in a workout and doing it anyway. (#Murph, anyone?) You get what I mean. I was thinking about this today and how privileged I am to be in a space where I feel comfortable being vulnerable and how lucky I am to be afforded that. Shout out to all the service men and women who do this without question daily, and are the reason we can live in the land of the free every day. Imagine giving your life for something because you were so vulnerable and courageous? That is honor. That is a hero. That is selfless strength. So there are two ways you can live: you can devote your life to staying in your comfort zone, what feels safe and what doesn’t ruffle your feathers, or you can work on your freedom. We already get afforded part of the second option because people have literally given their lives so we could be here. So knowing that, honoring that…choose. Inspired by this and fueled by #MDW I’m promising to “step into the arena” this week a la @brenebrown. You coming? #DontHalfAssAnything #Honor #Courage #JustShowUp

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Aceasta pozitie presupune sa stai cu mainile si cu picioarele pe sol, ca atunci cand faci o flotare, dar fara sa te ridici sau sa cobori. Stai teapana, ca o scandura. Poti sa-ti tii mainile indoite din cot sau sa te sprijini in palme, ca la flotare. Toti muschii sunt implicati in pastrarea acestei pozitii care te ajuta nu doar sa iti intaresti muschii spatelui si sa ii tonifici pe cei abdominali, dar si sa topesti multe calorii. Ca sa aiba efecte benefice, trebuie sa stai intre 30 de secunde si pana la cinci minute in aceasta pozitie. Daca vrei sa arzi mai multe calorii, poti ridica alternativ cate un picior sau sa il flexezi.

Zmeura – Ingredientul esential pentru o mai buna circulatie sanguina

Picioarele desfacute in unghi mare (Upavistha Konasana)

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❤️🧡💛💚💙👁️💜 #SpintheChakras – 🧡 Day 2: 🧡 Sacral – creativity (Foward Fold) 🧡 Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra is the second chakra and is located in the pelvic area. It is associated with the emotional body and sensuality. Its element is water 💦 and as such, its energy is characterized by flow and flexibility. 🧡 The sacral chakra is also your centre of creativity. Everything you create, a poem, a drawing, or a website, originates from the energy of second chakra. 🧡 To open and balance the second chakra, introduce forward bends to your practice. 🧡 I chose Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana) — as this pose stimulates the abdominal organs it also strengthens the spine and opens the second chakra. ❤️🧡💛💚💙👁️💜 If you feel like it, add this mantra to your practice: I am passionate. ❤️🧡💛💚💙👁️💜 YOUR HOSTS: @ina.yoga @karletyoga @alysia_cen @love.yoga.travel ❤️🧡💛💚💙👁️💜 YOUR SPONSORS: @vayumudra (my outfit 💜) @bohemian_treasure (my bracelets 💗 have a look in my stories to see them better 😄) @liforme (my yogamat 💗) @glassticbottle ~ ❤️🧡💛💚💙👁️💜 Pose lineup for the week: Day 1: ❤️ Root chakra – safety and stability (Warrior Pose) ✔️ Day 2: 🧡 Sacral – creativity (Foward Fold) ✔️ Day 3: 💛 Solar plexus – Personal power (Bow pose) Day 4: 💚 Heart – love and relationships (Heart Opener) Day 5: 💙 Throat – communication (Fish pose) Day 6: 👁️ Third eye – Intuition (Dolphin pose) Day 7: 💜 Crown chakra – spirituality (Headstand) ~ ❤️🧡💛💚💙👁️💜 To Enter: 1️⃣Repost This flyer and tag 3 friends 2️⃣Follow all our hosts & sponsors 3️⃣Post your pic every day following the pose line and using our hashtag #SpintheChakras 4️⃣Tag hosts and sponsors in every post 5️⃣ Set your profile to public so we can see your lovely pictures. ~ ❤️🧡💛💚💙👁️💜 #sacralchakra #svadhisthana #upavisthakonasana #wideangleseatedforwardbend #forwardfold #seatedforwardfold #primaryseries #newyogachallenge #challengethyyoga #chakras #chakra #chakrayoga #mindfulness #mindfulyoga #keeppracticing #yogawallpaper #9monthspostpartum #ashtanga #yogalove #yogamom #yogalife #yogaathome #yogawallpaper #yogadaily #yogaover40 #fitover40 #loveeverymoment ❤

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Stai in fund pe covorasul de yoga. Apoi, desfa picioarele intr-un unghi care sa depaseasca mult pe cel de 90 de grade. Cu cat mai mare, cu atat mai bine. Apleaca apoi torsul catre fata, incercand sa ajungi, pe cat posibil, cu capul spre podea. Ramai in aceasta pozitie timp de 5-6 respiratii. Aceasta asana imbunatateste fluxul sanguin in zona pelviana si creste energia si vitalitatea.

Podul (Setu Bandhasana)

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#mamas❤️minis challenge: day 5 . . I've seen other mamas doing variations of this but didn't realize how much strength is took to push up with a toddler. And of course she loved it so I'll be doing it all the time now 🤦‍♀️ . . MAY 5 – 11, 2019 . . Please join us in a special yoga challenge just for moms and their little ones! Each day we will explore poses with our minis, and on the final day our little yogis get to choose their favorite pose or even make up their own pose! . . 🦋 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! 🦋 . . Hosts: @nicolebest.yogamama @crazygoat_79 @paradispractice @claireanita_bell_yoga . . Sponsors: @poshwithtara @healthcoachmollyc @vayumudra @treelanceyoga @parkerpig.goestoyoga . . #bridgepose #setubandhasana #yogaathome #yogawithkids #homeyoga #yoga #yogalife #yogainspired #yogainspiration #yogaforstrength #yogalove #yogamomma #yogamama #yogafamily #yogalifestyle #yogagirl #yogagirls #yogapose #yogapractice #yogaeverywhere #yogaanytime #yogastrong #yogis #backbends #backbending #yogafitness #strongaf #yogaeveryday #yogamakesmehappy

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Podul ofera nu doar o intindere intensa a muschiului flexor al soldului, ci ajuta si la tonifierea muschilor vaginului. Consecinta? Toate orgasmele sunt considerabil imbunatatite. Sfatul practicantilor de yoga este acela ca aceasta asana sa fie facuta doar cu stomacul gol!!! Ai deci grija sa fi luat precedenta masa cu cel putin patru ore inainte de a incerca aceasta pozitie. Incearc-o, asadar, dimineata devreme sau foarte aproape de ora de culcare.

Alimentele care cresc libidoul si te ajuta sa ai o viata sexuala mai intensa

Bhadrasana (Butterfly pose)

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Byť vďačný za to, čo máme je veľmi dôležité. Isteže sa nájdu pochybnosti,že by sme chceli viac alebo niekomu závidíme, že má to, či ono… Je to pre nás prirodzené a poháňa nás to vpred. Ale dôležité je vedieť sa zastaviť a byť spokojný aj s tým čo momentálne máme,inak nám bude z toho všetkého "preskakovať".. 😅 Dokážete to? Zastaviť sa a poďakovať za to, čo máte? 📸@janamartish #bethankfull #namaste #anjalimudra #yogagirl #yogablogger #yogamotivation #yogapose#butterflypose #forwardfold #forwardbend #yogastretch #yogachallenge #karmapassion #yoginess #dnesnosim #dnescvicim #dnesfotim #yogaoutfit #fitnesstrainer#bodyandmind #yogateacher #yogastudent #nitra#blogerkyczsk #blogerka #sommama #yogilife #joganapohodu#jogadnes

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Pozitia se obtine usor. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa indoi picioarele si apoi sa aduci talpile impreuna. Apoi, tine degetele de la picioare cu ambele maini. Inchide ochii si mentine aceasta poza timp de 5-6 respiratii. Dupa ce te-ai stabilizat, misca genunchii ca si cum ti-ai lua zborul. Aceasta pozitie este excelenta in cazul in care te confrunti cu o perioada in care libidoul tau nu este la cote prea… inalte. Asana imbunatateste, de asemenea, fluxul sanguin spre zona pelviana. Atunci cand sangele nu circula asa cum trebuie, nu exista energie si vitalitate. Circulatia si fluxul sanguin crescut sunt legate direct de nivelul de excitare.

Dronasana (Bowl Pose)

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Removing energy blocks. . ✨ Emotional and physical traumas when not fully healed and released create energy blocks (energy stagnation) in our body. The natural state of energy is flow and movement and when energy is stagnated we experience discomfort (dis-ease). 🌻 Yoga poses like back bends, hip openers, hamstrings openers and so on create not only more range of motion in our bodies but they also encourage the energy that was stuck in those areas to flow again promoting an emotional and physical release. That’s why people often feel so good after a yoga class or sometimes cry in savasana (end of class). Because they are releasing these energy blocks. 🌱 Yoga poses won’t do all the work on their own, because yoga is not only about the physical postures but it’s a lifestyle, eating light organic whole living foods will also help to create the healing environment our body needs in order to do what is meant to do. Experiencing modalities like holistic therapy, shadow work and energy work are helpful when comes to learning the root cause of these blockages and limiting beliefs, and releasing and not recreating them. Meditation practice is helpful to keep our energy centered, balanced and grounded and keep us in touch with our inner-guidance. 🦋 And of course there’s more that I haven’t mentioned here. We have a lot of tools available to us for our personal healing and development. It’s about finding the ones that work for you and truly dedicating to it. #MoveYourBody #OpenYourHeart . •I offer remote and in person Energy Healing Therapy sessions. (Link in bio). •My yoga classes are every Thursday 7pm and Saturday 10am @hyperlow •And I guide alongside amazing people a SoundBath and BreathWork every Full and New Moon @hyperslow as well. (Click the link in my bio for information and to register to these events). . . . . 📸 by @greysontarantino . #EnergyBlocks #Energy #OpenYourChakras #OpenYourThirdEye #OpenYourMind #Yoga #BackBends #BowlPose #YogaGirl #YogaEveryDay #Healing #Meditation #EnergyWork

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Un castron. Este lucrul la care te duce cu gandul aceasta pozitie de yoga. Beneficiul asanei este acela ca intareste muschii abdominali. Pentru efectele dorite, trebuie sa pastrezi aceasta pozitie timp 4-5 respiratii si in tot acest timp sa-ti tii ochii inchisi.

Echilibrul este esential in alimentatia femeii insarcinate

P.S. Unul dintre cele mai mari avantaje ale yoga ar fi acela ca poate fi practicata si de catre viitoarele mamici. Cu aceleasi beneficii. Mai mult, gravidutele s-au mentinut sanatoase si in forma si au putut sa aiba un travaliu si o nastere mult mai usoare.

Foto: Instagram – @tawnyjanae