Influencerul de fitness Emily Skye dezvaluie secretele unui abdomen de invidiat

De Cristina Tudor
2 nov. 2018

La scurt timp dupa nasterea fetitei sale, Emily Skye se grabeste sa reintre in forma si sa-si recupereze abdomenul sculptat care a facut-o celebra. Iata care sunt sfaturile ei realiste cu privire la subiect.

Conform DailyMail, Emily spune ca nu exista neaparat un secret pentru a ajunge sa arate atat de bine, ci multa munca si determinare. In timp ce unii cred ca poti lua o pastila care sa te faca sa fii perfect sanatos, ea considera ca este vorba despre decizia de a depune suficienta munca pentru a ajunge la acel nivel.

Nutritia – de aici incepe totul

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My favourite salad! 🙌🏼 @localandco . I'm back eating nutritious food & I'm starting to feel good again! Eat to nourish and fuel your body and have treats every now and then for a healthy mind! – My motto haha! 😃

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Emily, care este un „fitness guru” respectat in Australia, considera ca nutritia este foarte importanta si ne sfatuieste sa consumam alimentele care ne plac, dar care sunt si sanatoase: „Imi place somonul cu putin ulei de masline deasupra, impreuna cu niste rosii si poate cateva nuci”. Pentru cei care abia incep sa manance sanatos, Emily recomanda: „Cand oamenii vin la mine si imi spun ca vor sa fie in forma, le spun sa caute cat mai multe informatii – trebuie sa stii cat mai multe lucruri despre alimente si despre exercitiile pe care urmeaza sa le faci”.

Cardio nu e cea mai buna solutie?

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My Meal & Workout Programs👆🏼Link in bio ~ Summer is coming here in Australia!! The weather has been AMAZING lately! I'm so blessed to live in such beautiful country. Lately I've really been making an effort to appreciate everything I've got. Focussing on all the positives in your life and yourself and having appreciation really makes a difference to your happiness. You start getting some perspective and realise how blessed you actually are! I used to hate myself and my life & was the most negative person, always obsessing over my flaws and focussing on all the negative things in my life. I had a horrible life, but I had nobody but myself to blame as I had created that unhappy life myself and most of the things I was down about were insignificant and silly! I have since learnt to make the most of what I've got and be grateful – remember that there is always someone who's worse off than you. Also, feeling sorry for yourself won't help you in the slightest, in fact it holds you back from climbing out of your negativity pit! Take a few minutes right now to think of all the positive things you have in your life and appreciate them! I'm sure there are more things than you thought. Don't forget all the little things too because they all add up!😉 Stop thinking things like: "Once I get my dream body THEN I'll be happy" or "When I find a partner I'll be happy" – You can be happy right now – it all depends on your perspective and your attitude! Remember to appreciate everything you already have! 🙏 Have a beautiful week everyone and focus on your blessings no matter how big or small they are! 😘. . SnapChat: emilyskyefit 👻 . @emilyskyefitness @emilyskyebeauty @emily_skye2 . .

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Se pare ca Emily nu este o mare fan cardio: „Da, in timp ce il faci, arzi grasimi, insa la o ora dupa ce ai terminat antrenamentul respectiv, metabolismul tau se intoarce la obiceiul initial”. Ea crede ca ridicarea greutatilor ne ajuta sa crestem muschi si sa ne definim mai bine. In plus, corpul va continua sa arda grasimi dupa acest tip de antrenament.

Reluarea antrenamentelor dupa nastere

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My little munchkin @babymiaelise and I got a bit of sun today in between packing to move house. I managed to get in a home workout from my FIT APP too! 😃 It’s funny, I’m so excited to get into the new place but I feel a little sad about leaving this house because of the precious moments we’ve had here. I was pregnant with Mia in this house & I have so many memories here. I remember feeling like a whale (full term) floating around the pool to relieve my back pain while humming to Mia in my belly & eating tubs of ice cream in front of the tv like a sloth. 🤣 I remember dancing in the lounge room trying to induce labour and then bringing Mia home for the first time… and showing Mia the swans that would come up to our back fence to say hello!… Aaah I’m so sentimental, sensitive and emotional these days – must be a mum thing I’m assuming? 🙈 I’ll always cherish the memories in this house (and the millions of videos and photos 😂). Now for the next chapter of our lives! I’m excited to create many new memories in our new house! 😊 Home really is where the heart is – and my heart is with my family. – Oh I’m so corny! 😝🙈 . #7monthspostpartum .

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Foarte multe persoane au criticat-o pe Emily pentru ca s-a reapucat de antrenamente prea repede dupa nasterea fetitei ei, Mia. Ea a declarat ca a s-a simtit bombardata de remarci negative: „Am fost criticata de unele femei ca am reintrat in forma mult prea repede dupa nastere. Nu este cazul, au trecut 7 luni si jumatate, si chiar daca sunt multumita de rezultate, nu sunt nici pe jumatate atat de in forma precum eram inainte de nastere. Faptul ca asta e jobul meu nu inseamna neaparat ca pot sa fac asta mai usor ca altii – da, stiu cum sa o fac, dar tot e nevoie de multa munca. Trebuie doar sa stiti ca dureaza ceva vreme pentru majoritatea oamenilor. Chiar daca am facut sport multa vreme, tot mi-a fost greu sa reintru in ritm. Insa devin din ce in ce mai puternica”, a scris Emily pe Instagram.

Foto: Instagram – Emily Skye